June 1, 2010

The makings of a real parent

Julia has officially won the award for giving me the grossest throw up experience in the night. (Of course, the categories for throw up are many)

Last night was a l-o-n-g night. It was one of those nights that sets you apart from being a parent to not being a parent. It is a rite of passage to get up in the night to clean up something foul while still half asleep.

Cameron came into our room in the middle of the night telling us that Julia was crying. Hoping that Mitch would get out of bed and take care of the problem I stayed in bed until I heard the most disturbing noise that shot me right out. As Mitch went into their room Julia leaned down from her bed (she is on the top bunk) and threw up all over her bed, Cameron's bed and the floor, it also dripped down into the small parts of the bunk bed. The smell was the worst. Cameron was sitting in his bed crying because his bed had throw up all over it and the smell was terrible. It took Mitch and I ONE hour to clean it up and that was the bare bones clean up job. The throw up ran down under her mattress and also down in the drawers of clothes under the bunk beds where Julia's clothes are kept. It was a mess. I actually started laughing in the middle of the clean up because it was so bad. Today there was a lot of laundry and the carpet still reeks! When we finally got to bed, Mitch laid down and said "I smell like throw up." I just had to laugh. Yuck.


  1. kudos to mitch for helping clean up that mess. i hate nights like that. hope that you all got a well deserved nap the next day.

  2. I am so sorry. yuck. Hope Julia is feeling ok too!
