July 24, 2012


Girls arguing

Natalie: “Julia you are breaking my heart because you are being so rude”

Julia: “So”

Cameron mad at his mother for making him learn to change his sheets--

"Mom, I don't want to hear any more of your propaganda."

The kids playing Hide and Seek--

Cameron:  "Natalie you can count to anything you like.  Well higher than ten and lower than a thousand."

Lucy:  "Da Da Da"

Oh... the joys of summer!

July 17, 2012

Why Lucy won't be crawling anytime soon...

Here is Lucy disgusted with mom after she fell trying to reach something and nobody would come to her rescue.

Public Service Announcement

Eat your vegetables!

July 11, 2012

Vacuum Helper

Lucy loves the vacuum.  I mean seriously.  She gets so excited when I get it out of the closet and when I am done she usually cries.  She has always liked it and when she was only a few months old and screamed whenever I put her down, that was the one thing that would make her stop.  Needless to say I have a very vacuumed floor!  The other day while I was vacuuming she was so cute I had to take a few pictures.  Now to teach her to vacuum.....

Chocolate Guy Stuard

Meet Chocolate Guy...

The girls wanted to name him Chocolate, the boys wanted to name him Guy, hence Chocolate Guy.  Mainly we call him G. Pig.

On the fourth day of his new home Cameron stated, "this is his  first pet that has lived this long!"  Good grief!  The kid is a little traumatized.  The first week he asked Mitch and I about 45 times if this was a healthy animal and how long it would live.  He is a little worried to say the least.  Hopefully we won't kill it off too fast.

My downstairs is starting to smell like guinea pig.  Not loving that.  Please still be my friend and visit!

I may or may not be allergic to the G. Pig.  The jury is still out.