June 8, 2010

I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ...

Yesterday in the car while driving the kids to swimming lessons we were listening to a CD with primary songs on it. From the back of the car Cameron said, "What does croquet mean?" I was sort of confused because the kids and I were playing croquet in the backyard a few weeks ago. So I said "Cam, it is that game we were playing the other day with the mallets and the balls." He then said, "Oh I know how to play that--but in the song it just said "His truth I will cro-quet! What does that mean?" I was laughing hard. The song we were listening to was I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ and in the very last line it says "His truth I will pro-claim"
A little mixed up!

Today Cameron came home talking a mile a minute about everything that went on at school. I think he might have talked for 20 minutes straight without taking a breath. He was every excited about a game that they were playing in P.E., some version of tag. He was trying to explain to me how he got a boy "out" using his hands to demonstrate. As he was explaining it to me he said, "Okay--here is the replay" (while using his hands to show me what happened.) I think he has been watching sports too much. On a side note... this last week while watching baseball on TV with Mitch, Cameron moves his desk into the family room in front of the TV and gives the play by play of the game. Very funny to watch.

Julia on the other hand informed me today that if she ever had a new sister she would want her name to be Allie Rose. Rose being her best friend's middle name. Random.


  1. cam and mitch are two of a kinds. lol

  2. amen to the comments made above.

    haaha i can't wait to see you guys in a month!
