March 19, 2013

My Sunshine

This is my sunshine. 

I don't know what it is about this age but it might be one of the cutest ages ever.  I can't get enough of her.   Lucy has started to carry baby dolls around the house, holding them, kissing them, and pushing them around in a stroller. I don't know how at 16 months she "knows" how to be a mommy other than it is literally her divine nature.

She loves to put on dress up shoes and walk around.  Unfortunately she has a hard time walking in them and gets frustrated and has started to throw mini tantrums when things don't go how she wants them to go.  The other day we had to put the high heels in a time out because she was getting so mad.  She loves shoes!

Lucy likes to help me with the laundry and when I say help, I mean unfold all the clothes and sit in the baskets. 

With the weather finally getting a little warmer the kids have been going outside to play.  Lucy does not want to be left in the house.  She loves going outside and walking around.  Yesterday she kept grunting and pointing to the door telling me that she wanted to go out and play.  She still isn't talking, all she says is Da Da and the occasional Ma Ma but she sure knows how to get her point across!

Lucy knows how to fold her arms for the prayer and in church loves to sing.  When Mitch puts on music at home she becomes a dancing machine. She spins around until she is so dizzy she can't stand up.  She is definitely a momma's girl but sure loves her dad too.  She gives the best hugs by wrapping both arms around you and squeezing hard.  Man, I love this girl!