July 7, 2011

Swimming Lessons

We started the first day of summer vacation with swimming lessons for Cameron and Julia. Two weeks doesn't sound too long until I had to entertain Natalie for that 1/2 hour every day. I can't wait until she is old enough to be in her own swim class. It will be pure bliss to sit in the stands and just watch. To keep her entertained she took lots of pictures on my phone and ate an unhealthy amount of snacks!

Cam's swim class was a little hard for him this time and he struggled. I tried to tell him multiple times that lots of times you will be in the same class over and over until you master it. That didn't seem to matter when he got the "final report card" and it said that he would be in the same class next time. He was very disappointed. Jules was a little fish and loved her class and wants to know when I will sign her up again.

Every time you sign up for swimming lessons you get a free practice card to come to the pool and practice. During those two weeks I told the kids that we weren't going to be able to go because dad was so busy and I didn't have a swim suit that fit. Natalie made sure to tell everyone that she came into contact with that "her mom didn't have a swimsuit that fit." I really appreciated that! Thank you to Aunt Kara for letting me borrow her maternity swimsuit for our vacation, my kids were relieved!

Natalie- the up and coming photographer....

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