July 30, 2011

Coos Bay, Oregon

We spent the last week of July hanging out with our cousins in their new town, seeing the sights, and having so much fun. We came down to the Oregon Coast for Anna's baptism and my kids are jealous that they live so close to the ocean.

The kids loved the beach and exploring. Cameron even got to eat some crab that Uncle Matt and Grandpa caught. He loved it.

Above is a picture of Mitch's sickness: Coos Bay is the home town of the famous runner Steve Prefontaine.

The drive home was long and hot. We got stuck in some bad traffic and after five days of lots of fun and no naps we were tired! Thanks for letting us come Olanders!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that you had such a long drive home. We had fun with you guys, thanks for visiting.
