July 13, 2011

Cub Camp

Cameron's 1st year at Cub Camp!

Cameron is so excited to be in cub scouts! Ever since he got his cub book he has spent hours looking over it. He did all his requirements for his Bobcat in about 3 days. Every day he asks me when I can help him pass off more requirements towards his Wolf. I love his enthusiasm.

Since he just turned eight, I was told about cub camp a little late and we had already scheduled/paid to go camping the same week as camp. He was only able to go 2 of the 4 days but loved it. I felt really bad that he had to miss the last two days. Each family with a scout is required to volunteer two days at camp so I had the "privilege"of going both days that he was there. It was actually fun to be there with him and see all the fun things that they got to do but was very difficult being pregnant and being on my feet from 8 am to 4 pm for two days straight. I was beyond tired when I got home. The girls got to spend two days with Grandma Swany and loved it!

Getting to shoot BB guns and archery were the highlight! Cam was really disappointed that the day he missed they were going to learn how to catch, kill, clean, and cook a trout. I told him maybe one of his grandpas could do that with him sometime. I don't think you will find me doing that requirement with him!

The theme of the camp was Cubs at Sea. His troop was Den K, the U.S.S. Missouri. Their cheer--Den K, SAIL AWAY! What cute boys.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you guys have been busy! I feel like I truly live far away because some of the things you blogged about I had no idea happened! But it looks like you are having lots of fun, we miss you guys!
