July 31, 2011

House of Terror- AKA- Wildlife Safari Park

On one of the days in Coos Bay, Kara mentioned that there was a Wildlife Safari Park close by that looked cool. We decided that the kids would have some fun seeing some animals and they would even get to pet a baby leopard and baby tiger. After paying $60 in admission fees along with food to feed some of the animals we went into the park.

The park is a petting zoo with animals that roam around with safari animals in cages to look at. The animals all were in cages that I am very sure that would be banned in Washington State! The animals were in cages and you could actually see them--GASP!

Upon walking into the gates a swarm of goats, deer, geese, ducks, rams, peacocks and other animals that I am not sure what they were gathered all around us because of the food that we were holding. All six kids started shrieking, screaming and crying. We were quite the sight. The animals were trying to eat the food out of our hands and the kids literally FREAKED out. The other people around us looked at us in horror as the children clung to us for dear life. Mitch and I were laughing so hard that we couldn't speak. Jefferson, Ashley and Natalie never got over the "scary" animals and pretty much cried the entire time we were at the place. I think we official scarred them for life. I on the other hand could not stop laughing, it was pretty funny to see Natalie scream bloody murder anytime a tiny baby goat looked in her direction.

Mitch and a goat--Nice.

Mitch and Cameron were the only two that would get near most of the animals, hence all the pictures are just of them.

I finally convinced the Cameron and Julia to pet the baby leopard and tiger. They were so cute!

At the end of the day Kara and I congratulated ourselves on scaring the children to death all in the name of fun. The next day I asked Natalie if she wanted to go back and see the animals at the zoo and she burst into tears. Who knew that a petting zoo was really a house of terror?

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahaha we just learned about another park that is a drive thru that is really good. Should we wait for you to come back to visit? lol
