July 8, 2011

4th of July weekend

We had our cousins in town for the 4th of July. This is the 2nd year in a row that we have gotten to be with them on the 4th! With Julia's birthday, Cameron's baptism that weekend was one big party.

On Sunday the 3rd we went to see a traveling Vietnam Wall that was at one of the local cemeteries in Bellevue. It was very cool. Cameron learned about the Vietnam wall in school this last year and has talked to me about how he would love to see it someday. This definitely isn't the real thing but hopefully will due until someday he can see the real thing! It was a nice reminder of what is important to help celebrate our country's birthday.

The night before the 4th of July the cousins came over and had a sleep over. There was not much sleeping that went on. They went to bed very late and got up at 6:00 am. That morning we went to our ward's annual 4th of July breakfast and bike rodeo. Who doesn't like pancakes, face painting, cotton candy, and otter pops all before 10 am?

We decorated our bikes the night before for the big bike rodeo, which is about 100+ kids riding all around the church parking lot at crazy speeds. It is nothing short of a miracle that no one is injured badly.

That night we had a BBQ and went to the firework show and Lake Wilderness. It was a nice evening. Mitch didn't loved sitting in the 50 minute traffic jam to get out of the park after the show was over though!

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