June 2, 2011

Random Tidbits

**Costco is becoming a dangerous place to splurge. After getting the bear the other day you would think that we would have it out of our systems for awhile, but that is not the case. We are now the proud new owners of two very fluffy princess tutus. Natalie has worn hers for three days straight.

Yesterday I asked Cameron what kind of birthday decorations/ theme he wanted for his birthday. For the past year he has told me that he wants a Cat in the Hat party, today he told me basketball. When I asked about the Cat in the Hat party he said "I think that is too babyish." I almost cried. Nooo... Someone must of have told him that because he loves Cat in the Hat. I don't want him to grow up!

Julia thinks that she is getting a dog for her birthday. Her birthday list also includes an iPad, make-up, and roller skates. Guess which one she is getting?

**Cameron came home from school the other day saying "Mom, did you know that Santa brings dogs?! Some kids in my class told me so!" I told him that I am going to need the names and phone numbers of those kids parents to personally thank them for that!

**After putting the kids to bed one night Mitch was walking past Cam and Julia's door and heard them talking. Julia was saying, "Okay, List...." Mitch opened the door and asked them what "List" was. Of course neither of them wanted to say but just had sheepish looks on their faces. After a little prodding Cameron told him "List" is just something that they do every night where they make a list of people that were being bad or not following the rules at school that day. Leave it to my children to make up a game like that! HA.

And a post wouldn't be complete without a few pictures! I now have a new favorite picture that cracks me up when I see it:

My favorite though is this: It makes me laugh every time I see it!


  1. Sounds like you guys need a dog! I know, I know, they are so much work. That picture of Matt is hilarious! If you ever think of or come across a good come back/reaction to people's rude comments about looking big let me know...

  2. So funny! Sound like I need to come visit and make your girls some tutus! :) Love the pictures.

    oh and for you and Kierstin: When a women ask you how far along you are or commemts on how big, jusk ask her when she is due ;)

  3. Your kids crack me up! They are all getting so big! It's going to be a fun summer :)

  4. I haven't seen the picture of Mom and Dad yet that is pretty good. And be nice that is my hubby that you are cracking up about. What you can barley see is that Ashley is with him but she is too short. :0) It is one of my favorite pictures too though.
