March 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Yesterday was Read Across America Day (aka Dr. Seuss birthday!) The kids had a fun day at school. Cameron's class got to wear their pajamas to school and bring their favorite Dr. Seuss book. It was also their celebration of 100 days of school. When they got home from school Cameron NEEDED to wear his Cat in the Hat costume. Of course the girls were not going to be left out, hence the pirate and the kangaroo! Happy birthday Dr. Seuss!

Julia made this cute Cat in the Hat at school! I love it.

After dinner Cameron and Julia sat down together and read their favorite Seuss books to each other. They were so cute. Go, Dog, Go isn't a Seuss book but definitely a favorite!

...and thought I would throw in a picture of the scary pirate...


  1. We had a Dr. Seuss day too! :) Lots of fun!

  2. Love the costumes. Dr.Seuss would be proud to have a kangaroo and pirate at his party. I like your new chair. Looks like the kids are enjoying it too.
