August 7, 2010

Reoccurring Nightmare

oh mY GOSH!
Mitch and I are starting to have a reoccurring nightmare. Instead of explaining it, you could just read this and insert Cameron and Natalie's name for Julia's.

We awoke in the night with Natalie crying, she had thrown up all over her bed. Not too bad...a bath, new sheets and blankets and we were back in bed. About 3 hours later we wake up to Cameron calling for Mitch, when Mitch finally opened his eyes Cameron was about 1 inch from his face. He had thrown up.

All over bed? Check. On the Floor? Check. Throw up sliding down drawers of clothes? Check.

While cleaning up the throw up off the floor with a spoon. We were discussing that we were actually getting "good at this,"and had a system down to clean up throw up in the night. We talked about putting together a"vomit kit" that we could put under our bed that we could pull out when needed. This might be the key to our financial future if we marketed it right! What would be in the kit? Rubber gloves, mask, garbage sack, spoon, carpet cleaner, disinfecting wipes, rag, Febreze, etc. We decided the last thing in the kit would be a bottle of whiskey-- for us.


  1. Yuck. That is no fun. Double no fun. A spoon huh? That is a good idea, you better patent that before someone else does...

  2. I feel ya. Not fun at all. I hope it doesn't last too long. Lily and Ellie had it for a week :(
