It has been a S-T-R-U-G-G-L-E to teach Cameron to tie his shoe. He has been unwilling/unable to do it. We have been working on it for at least a year and a half off and on. This summer I knew that we were going to have to buckle down and learn this once and for all, he is going into the 2nd grade for heaven sakes! Anytime Mitch and I bring up the idea of practicing it is automatic crying and a fight. Today I braced myself for the onslaught of mayhem when I told him that today we were practicing. To make it a little easier, I told Julia that she would be learning too. In less than 10 minutes Julia had it down. Having your little sister do it wasn't going to fly with Cameron. He stopped whining and went to work, 5 minutes later Cam had it down. Nothing like a little sibling rivalry to get a task accomplished. I am so proud of both of them that I almost shed a tear-- this too has passed!
Good job to both of them! I love when kids learn how to tie their shoes....makes life somehow easier.