July 15, 2010

DAY 2- 4th of July-Utah Style

The first morning in Utah when Cameron woke up he came up the stairs saying, "It's sunny outside!!" I think Kara died laughing. The next day when he woke up he said "It is sunny every day here!" What a strange new concept.

Since the 4th of July was on a Sunday, Utah celebrated it on Saturday (Is there any place else in the world that does that?) We went to the Murray City Parade in the morning and the fireworks that night. This is the parade that I went to every year as a little girl and we sat on the same curb, in the same spot. It was fun to enjoy the parade and the warm sunshine!

Mitch found a new best friend while we were there. Ashley loved him and wanted to sit on his lap all the time. It was very cute.

Cameron and Julia learned the fine art of catching candy! They both had a bag FULL by the time we left.

That night we went to the fireworks. I think I might have enjoyed it the most. It was a trip down memory lane. Cameron and Anna both fell asleep right as the fireworks started.

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