Team: The Yellow Jackets
Number: 1 (He was a little worried at first because he isn't 1 years old, that is just his number!)
It's that time of year, soccer season! Cam is in a new league this year with just boys his age. They play 3 on 3 with no goalie. I am not even sure why that is. (Can you tell I am the super soccer mom?) They are learning more techniques of the game and trying to "stay in the triangle"(If you know what that is, your doing better than me), pass, and call for the ball. Cameron loves the running around part but has been a little lost in the whole concept. This last Saturday things started to finally click. He made 3 goals! He still has a ways to go though- when the game was over he ran over to me very excited and said "Mom, I got three strikes!" He enjoys it and I am learning to enjoy it while dealing with the girls.
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