October 16, 2012

Cup of Heart Break

Julia came home two weeks ago ecstatic.  In second grade you are able to take zero hour classes before school that are fun.  She wanted to do cupstacking so badly.  We turned in the form saying she would like to participate and then you wait to see how many people sign up for it.  If there are too many kids they do a drawing to see which kids get to be in the class.  Last week Julia was so worried that she hadn't heard if she was in or not that I e-mailed the teacher to see if she knew when they should hear back.   Today Julia got off the bus beaming!!  She had a BIG surprise for me and wouldn't tell me what it was until we got into the house.  She kept saying, "This is a really, really great surprise!"  When we got home she threw open her backpack and handed me this note:
Zero Hour Notice--Cupstacking
Student  Julia Stuard     Teacher  Lagerquist

Due to a high number of registrations, a drawing was held to determine those selected to attend this class.  Your student was not among those names drawn.

Thank you

Julia thought that getting a note meant that she was in the class and didn't read it before she gave it to me.  When I told her that this note was telling us that she didn't get in she cried and cried like her little heart was breaking.  She just held the note and cried.  It was so sad.  What a real bummer. Blah.

Cam on the other hand is signed up for a zero hour math story problem class starting next week.  He is crying for a whole other reason. 


  1. Sad. The world may be missing out on the next great cup stacker. Cute new family photo by the way!

  2. She can start her own cup stacking club. I'll join! :)
