October 18, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

On Saturday we spent a fun afternoon at the pumpkin patch. There were so many things to do and see. I didn't take very many pictures of the fun event because I was basically just trying to keep walking without assistance. I was hoping all the walking in the corn maze would put me into labor but all it did was make me very tired. I have resigned myself to the fact that this baby isn't going to come any earlier than her scheduled date!

Cameron was a good sport and is already getting to big for a lot of the activities at the pumpkin patch.  That makes me so sad.  He told me after he got off the cow ride he was embarrassed because he was the oldest kid on the ride and most of the kids were babies.

Playing in the corn room.

I was so glad that Mitch was able to come this year and join in on the festivities.  Until next year...


  1. That looks like a really cool pumpkin patch. I wish I could roll around in a corn room! I hope little girl comes out for you soon- at least you don't have to worry about going overdue. I can't wait to see her!

  2. I wanna go, looks like fun. I would ride the cow train if I fit....
