October 8, 2011

Glacier Park Open House

This week I went to the elementary open house. Mitch was unable to go because of his one and only Cross Country meet that happened to be on a Thursday, the Thursday of the open house. What are the odds? The parking is a disaster at these things and I left later hoping that some people might be leaving and I could find a spot to park. There wasn't a spot even close. I had to park so far away it was unbelievable, I swear it was at least a half mile probably farther. I actually started crying while walking because I am so big and heavy.  You would think someone might have had pitty on the 9 month pregnant fat lady. Seriously!  But enough of my sob story....
I really do love seeing the kids rooms and them being able to show me around at everything they do. I took a few pictures for Mitch on my phone of some of the cute things that they had hanging up in their rooms so that he could see them.

This was hanging on Cam's locker door (yes, Cam has a locker in his classroom!)  It was so cute that I had to take a picture of it.  Each square represents something about him.
1- His name 2- His favorite number 3- Favorite color 4- Favorite animal 5- Someone special to him 6- Favorite food 7- Favorite book 8- How many people in his family 9- Favorite movie 10- Thing he likes to do 11- Best subject 12- His last name.

In Julia's classroom they had a lot of art hanging up but on one wall they had their favorite/best writing journal hanging up.  This was Julia's.  I know that Laura would be jealous!  Julia has the ability to make friends easily and while we were there every time we turned around someone was coming up to her or shouting hello.  It was very fun to see.  On the way out of Julia's classroom, Natalie waved good bye to Julia's teacher and said "Good bye Mrs. Lagerquist, see you when I grow up and am in your class"  Where did I get her?  She is a character as my grandpa would say! 

1 comment:

  1. I have taught your kids well what animals are the coolest! :) I love it so much! :)
