September 28, 2011

Sweet and Sour

I am having bus stop issues.  How can I say this diplomatically?  Our neighborhood is a little older than most of the neighborhoods around so it tends to have a higher level of rental houses.  With rental houses comes a lot of shall I say "interesting/differently valued" people than us.  Every school year a new crop of kids come to the bus that wasn't there the year before.  This year is no different and there are lots of new kindergartners and their parents.  Usually having parent there is a good thing to keep their kids in line but not when the parents are as bad as the kids, it makes it even worse.  Yesterday I drove my kids to the bus stop and waited in the car till they got on the bus.  One of the parents of a kid who was waiting for the bus lit up and started smoking right there at the bus stop with the whole group of kids standing there.  I was in SHOCK.  Who smokes in 2011 and who in the WORLD smokes at a bus stop with a bunch of elementary kids?  HOLY COW and why was I the only parent that seems to have a problem with this?!  I am not excited to have to turn into the neighborhood _________  (insert any name you like)  and tell this guy that smoking in front of the kids is not going to happen.  Mitch and I talked about not having the kids take the bus but why is it that just a few idiots ruin things for everyone?  

As I was still stewing about this today on the way home from the bus, Natalie said the sweetest thing to me.  Almost everyday we have the same conversation but today it was even sweeter.

Natalie:  Is our baby living with Jesus right now?  (Since we have the same conversation every day it really is more of a statement than a question)
Me:  Yes, she is.
Natalie: It is almost time for her to come to Earth and live in our family.
Me:  It sure is.  Only a few more weeks.  I bet she is excited to come.
Natalie:  I think she is excited to come to Earth and be with her big sister Natalie.  I can't wait to be with her.

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