September 8, 2011

Animals + Mindy = Disaster

I am not an animal lover. I know, shock to anyone who knows me. Pets are the worst. I pretty much don't like anything about them. I hate the hair, shedding, poop, the smell of them, slobber, claws, slime, the noise, the smell of their food, the fact you can't go anywhere without dealing with them, how they destroy things, you name it. I hate how cats and dogs want to jump on you, lay on you, rub up against you anytime they see you.  I can't stand how most pet owners think that everyone is going to love their little darlings and when they are sniffing your crotch it is endearing. I hate the neighbor's dogs that bark all day, the neighbor's cats that use my yard as their toilets, and don't get me started on the bird next door! Have I said enough?  Don't get me wrong I like to hold a baby kitten or puppy from time to time.  They are cute and I don't like to see any animal suffering but that is pretty much where my compassion ends.
The only good reason to have a pet is because your kids love them. That is were I am. My kids desperately want a pet. With the room switch, I told Cameron that in his own room we could get a small African Dwarf Frog to have in his room. It is basically like having a fish minus having to have a gross fish. So on Monday I took the happiest kid on earth to the pet store to buy his frog. I let him get two, one for him and one for his sisters. They are loving it, spending all sorts of time watching their frogs.  I patted myself on the back for getting away with getting the world's easiest pet. Fast forward to today, 4 DAYS LATER.... yep, they are DEAD.  I have a boy who is crying that his pet is dead and I want my 10 bucks back.  Stupid frogs.  Through his tears he asked me if maybe we could get a cat, "he loves cats and they don't die so quickly."  What is a mother to do?  The animal hater in me is crying.  Stay tuned.............


  1. Aww poor kids! I know what you mean about the hair, poop, and smell. I don't think I have a choice. Chad and my girls want a dog so bad. Good luck finding a pet you won't go crazy with!

  2. get the kids a cat that is actually your neighbors. I recommend it. :0) Sorry about your frogs...give the kids a hug from me.

  3. Maybe you could get Cam one of those Chinese Hairless cats. Sure, they look like a large rat and when they rub against your leg you can feel every tick and skin bump, but they don't shed!

