May 4, 2010

A Rant and a MAJOR Whine

Que the violins for my whine....

For the record:
Cameron's t-ball coach is the WORST!
Putting that out there for the world to read I feel much better.

Mitch and I were really on the fence about signing Cameron up for t-ball this year. We were back and forth if it was something that we wanted to do. After making the decision to let him play I wish I could take it back. It has been a bad experience or maybe I should say NO experience. The woman cancels every game and practice if she thinks it is going to MIST. HELLO WE LIVE IN SEATTLE, IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GET WET DON'T SIGN UP FOR T-BALL IN THE SPRING!!!! After busting my chops to get him to practice tonight and her canceling because of the weather, I felt rage that I haven't felt in a long time. I think the City of Maple Valley Parks Department is going to get a strongly worded letter about their terrible volunteer coach of the Blue Hornets. Seriously it is bad. I am sure that I will now be struck by lighting because of the evil person that I am but...ahhh I feel so much better now.

Un-que the violins


  1. Can you say refund? That is so annoying.

  2. I didn't know there were any days in the spring where it didn't rain in Seattle.
