January 19, 2010

Monkey Ears

The other day at church Julia saw a girl with a hairstyle that she just had to have. When describing it to me she said "The girl's hair was monkey ears!" After a better description of what she wanted I realized she wanted pigtail looped braids. Unfortunately for Julia, her mother is not good at hair and Julia's hair is so thin and not long enough to get the look she was hoping for. After the making the "monkey ears" she said it didn't look much like the girl's at church. The next day I tried to variation of the monkey ears that looked a little better. I wish I was a better "girl hair mom".

A few weeks ago we tried curlers the night before church. Natalie left hers in for about 1/2 hour before pulling them out. Julia's hair was curly when she woke up the next morning but by the time 1:00 church rolled around it pretty much looked normal, curly on the bottom straight on the top. They looked cute with them in though. Mitch thought it was "a little much" for him.

1 comment:

  1. aunt Amy loves to do little girl hair! :)to bad my girls wont let me near them...
