life but I do enjoy watching them.
Cameron was put in a class that had older kids in it and the first few sessions I thought he might drowned (I am a paranoid mother). He drinks half the pool each time. His teacher hasn't been the most attentive but Cam has grown more independent because of it, which is a good thing for him. I don't know how much he has learned but he loves it and isn't afraid to try.
Julia loves the fact that she isn't having to watch in the stands and is old enough to have her own class. She makes friends with everyone and is so fun to watch. The last two times she has decided that she is too scared to jump to her teacher at the end of class. Man, she can be stubborn! No bribery or convincing will work. Last time I asked her what the problem was and she told me "Her fingernails were too long and bothering her" What?