May 1, 2010

Cameron and his Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

I love when Cameron gets off the bus each day. In a split second I can tell what kind of day he had by the look on his face.

Yesterday was a rough one, I knew the second I saw him that he was not a happy camper. The first thing he said to me after getting off the bus was "show and tell was horrible!" I was sort of alarmed because Cam doesn't like to bring things for show and tell, it takes a lot of convincing for him to bring something so having it go bad is not a good sign. Grandpa Stuard gave him a pencil shaped like a cactus that he got in Arizona. Cam was excited about it and wanted to take it for show and tell. I was thrilled. Apparently Baileigh (a very bad girl in Cam's opinion) snapped the pencil in half when it was going around the room for everyone to look at. It was an accident of course-- but still broken.

Later during their timed math tests the same girl started talking to him, asking a question about some of her math problems and slowed Cameron down. He didn't pass his test and had four problems left when the timer ran out.

At the second recess he fell and hurt his hand. At the third recess he wasn't looking where he was running and bonked heads with someone.

His mom forgot to fill up his water bottle and put it in his backpack and was out of his favorite oatmeal cream pies for his lunch treat and all she had was a fruit snack instead.

I told Cameron that it sounded like he had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day and maybe we should have spaghetti for dinner to cheer him up. That seemed to help.

A few years ago we bought the book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day. We think it is pretty funny and very relevant. I asked Cameron if maybe he should move to Australia after his bad day. That got a smile. Hopefully next week will be a little better!

I love hugging him and giving him kisses. He told me "you love me the most." I am glad that he feels loved enough that he thinks that.


  1. That is a rotten day....I hate when I am part of the bad day and not the one to "fix" it. Tell Cam we love him and he can move to Florida with Anna ( this is where she wants to go on her bad days, that way they can do to disney world and it won't be bad anymore) :0)

  2. awww so sweet. I love that book! I hope he is having a better day! I will also keep my eyes open for a pencil shaped like something cool for him :)
