June 8, 2020

13 weeks

This is the start of week 13 of not going to school.

13 weeks... 13 weeks!

That is forever. Summer vacation is only 10 weeks long.

Last week I started to see long faces, long hours of tv watching, and fighting. I thought what is going on? We have been doing okay. Then I realized how long it had been. Ya know the last week of summer when the kids are ready to go back to school after 10 weeks? This was that week. We hit our limit but we haven’t even started our summer vacation yet. School officially ends next Friday. I am so over Zoom Meetings and ridiculous busy work. I have no idea what we are going to do to fill the time though. King County is still in Phase 1.5, whatever the heck that is supposed to mean. EVERY SINGLE summer activity was cancelled with no end in sight. This might be the longest year of our lives. I think I need someone to call me a Whambulance.

Good thing a GIANT box from Amazon came. (The item was like only a fourth the size of the box.) But now we have a “car” in our house.  “Yay”

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