July 7, 2013

Cam's Birthday

For Cameron's 10th birthday he wanted a sports theme.  He got some Under Armor clothes that he wanted, a Bop It, and  a Wii game.

The Mariner's had a home game on his birthday so that night we headed to the ballpark. Grandpa and Grandma Stuard, Katie and Dale came with us to celebrate! It was also LDS night so we all got a free t-shirt!  It was a beautiful night.  The Mariner's ended up losing and it was a hard loss for the birthday boy.

Natalie was so excited to be there. It was her 1st Mariner's game ever.
The end of the game....

The Mariner's even knew it was Cameron's birthday and his name was on the BIG screen!!!

We found the Mariner Moose and got our picture taken with him...

Things were going pretty good up till the 6th inning when Natalie started complaining that her stomach hurt.  About 3 minutes later she was throwing up all over everything.  It was projectile and a lot.  She threw up all over ALL of her clothing, some of mine and ALL OVER the guy sitting in front of us.  It was the walk of shame going to the bathroom.  She cleared out three rows of people while "housekeeping" came to help clean it up.  Katie was nice enough  to come help me clean up Natters in the bathroom.  We had to strip her down and made a dress out of Katie's free t-shirt with a lanyard as a belt.  The city of Seattle has outlawed the use of plastic bags and charges people to buy a paper one so in the end we had a paper bag full of throw up clothes to go.... 

After we got her all cleaned up she was feeling much better.  The usher let us sit in a lot nicer seats (he was worried she was going to throw up again!) and gave us a bunch of free stuff.  After the game was over Mitch wanted to get the heck out of there before we ran back into the guy she threw up all over!  He was probably the nicest guy ever and after apologizing profusely over and over we still didn't want to run into him.   This was definitely a night that we won't be forgetting for a long time!!


  1. Um, I LOVE the last picture. Nat and her dad. Two peas in a pod! :)

  2. So funny! Sounds like a good birthday, we love you can!
