August 4, 2011

An apology

I am SO sorry for all of you that have to be around me. Especially to my husband and children who have to deal with me on a daily basis. I have been cranky, whiny, tired, swollen with little to no patience, and HUNGRY (Anyone that has spent any time with me knows that me and hunger do not mix!) My new diet really SUCKS and sticking myself with a needle 4 times a day hasn't improved my mood. Now that I have got my whining out of the way--really, there are way worse things in life. I keep telling myself to get some perspective! I want to say that I am actually glad for this opportunity to have a new little baby come to our home and am trying to be a little happier, patient and not so cranky so that people want to be around me. I know it will be worth it in the end.

See what I mean? Kierstin's new baby girl--welcome little/big Anya!


  1. Hahhaha little/big Anya! hhahaha love it. Can't wait to see your little/big girl! :)

  2. :)We just love babies! Sorry about the needles... that really sucks. For some reason I missed some of your blogs! Looks like you all have been having a lot of fun!
