November 30, 2010


Yeah, that's right. My 3 year old got mad at me tonight and called me a "freakin' mom."

I didn't think I said the word freakin' very much but apparently I need to re-think my word choices. The other day we missed Julia's bus for school because the substitute driver came 10 minutes early. The next day while waiting for the bus Natalie said, "Where is that freakin' bus at?"


It reminds me of the time when Cameron was a small little guy and we went to the grocery store. We had a car cart and while we shopped he kept honking the steering wheel and yelling "Go, Psycho!"

Kids say the darnedest things. I think they learn it all from their father. :)


  1. Ellie and Lily call me Honey. I guess I say it a lot- lets just hope that's the only word they pick up from me :) (i wish)
