March 15, 2016

An Essay

The past few weeks Julia has been talking and talking about an essay she has been writing in school.  Today she came home with it. The class had to pick which side of this issue they wanted to be on and defend their choice. I seriously LOVE her.  There is a line in the essay that had me laughing and laughing. Can you guess which one it was?  

For years our school district didn't serve chocolate milk because of the "unhealthy nature of it".  I was so fed up with it that I was planning on voting against anyone in the next election on the school board who voted not  to have chocolate milk in the schools. Then last year someone with a brain re-instated it and they started serving it again.  


  1. She is so cute. Way to go Jules!

  2. Good essay Julia, Yes I have heard that some where before.
    G-ma Swany
