June 1, 2013


For the past couple of weeks my house has been filling with art.  Cameron has a huge project about a country that he and I have been working on (I won't lie... it is stressing me out!)  As soon as the girls saw that we were working on a big project they wanted to work on one too.  Julia asked me for a poster board and I cut out the letters for her but she did whole projects on giraffes herself.  She checked out books from the library on giraffes, made an outline, researched pictures online and put this whole thing together.  Friday she took the finished project to school for show and tell.  She was darling. I was tempted to ask her if she was interested in doing another project about a country for Cameron!  I would never tell....

Yesterday she painted this frog picture with watercolors.  This is serious better than anything I could do. She made a book for her best friend who loves frogs.

Natalie, of course, was not to be left out.  She has made a penguin book, frog pictures, colored and paint egg cartons, and the list goes on. 

This might be my favorite thing Natalie has made!

 A sneak peak into Cameron's project....

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