May 29, 2012

Issaquah Gliders

This spring instead of baseball or t-ball we signed the kids up for a track team, the Issaquah Gliders. It is for four weeks, twice a week with two meets. It has been a lot of fun to watch. Natalie is too young to be on the team but is able to participate in the meets. It is nice to have something that at least two of them can do at the same time. Cameron is a very serious runner and everything is a competition, even the warm up and the cool down. I would expect nothing less of him!  He makes us laugh watching him. Julia is a crack up with her long legs when she runs and she is so dang cute. She is more into running for the social aspect and when they have to run for 5 minutes at the end of practice she is completely engrossed in conversation with a friend that she has made. They practice all sorts of field events and Julia told me her favorite is the hammer throw. HA!  They have their last meet this Friday and while I was discussing with them what events they wanted to do this time Julia said she wasn't sure she wanted to do the running events because they made her legs tired.  Cameron gave her a disgusted look and said, "That is the whole point Julia!"   


At the first meet all three kids did the turf hurdles. Natalie was so cute I had to download the video.


  1. Super cute! It's ok Julia the non-running events are just as fun! :)

  2. cute girl....the family that runs together stays together!
