February 3, 2010

A Reoccurring Day...Dinner Issues: Part IV

This is a reoccurring theme at my house. I feel like I am living the movie Groundhog Day. Every day I wake up and do the exact same things as I did the day before. Feed kids, clean kids, take kids to school, pick up toys, clean house, clean kids, take kids to school, pick up toys, feed kids some more, pick up more toys, put them to bed and crash into my own. For the most part I am a creature of habit and find joy in the routine of the day but with dinner....ahhh dinner....

Tonight I made a lovely dish that I thought would be not too controversial. To my pleasure Cameron and Julia sat down and ate it without a problem. After serving the kids and finally getting settled to eat, Natalie looked at me and said "Mom, dinner is is-gust-ing." I almost fell out of my chair. I should be shocked to hear these words from my two year old for a number of reasons. 1- Natalie is like the boy in the old Life cereal commercials "Mikey likes it" She eats just about anything. 2- She is only two. 3- How does she know the word disgusting and how does she know what that is? Her older siblings have taught her well.

The other day it was time to take Cameron to the bus stop so I told the kids to get in the car (Yes I drive to the end of the neighborhood, it is cold and I don't have the strength to get every ones shoes, socks, coats, etc. every morning...) Natalie looked at me stomped her foot and said "I stay home" I guess it is a good thing that I can physically dominate her because that is what you have to do to get her in the car when she doesn't want to get in. It is what my sister -in -law calls the "shove and buckle method" because you physically have to shove them in and buckle them while they are screaming and doing their best to be straight as a board. Natalie is definitely coming into her own.

( I added this picture for my own entertainment)


  1. Love the picture, made my day. We are having quite a bit of ground hogs day around here too. Need something new to do. Tell Nat that I love her. Ashley told me to "chill out" the other day.

  2. geez Mindy you must love Ground hogs... two of them on your blong in just a few days time :) I totally understand how you feel. My kids wont eat anything I give them.
