November 10, 2020

Lucy’s Birthday

Lucy turned 9!  How can this be?!?  What a sweet fun girl.  She keeps us laughing with her quick wit and funny personality. She is literally the best.  She made me a wish list for her birthday presents and it was so cute.  A perfect mixture of little girl ideas and trying to keep up with her sisters.

I'm going to be honest.  Some of the decorations weren't my best work.

Lucy wanted a ballerina outfit that fit.  Apparently the last one she had was a size 4T.

We surprised her with a piñata.  Unfortunately her mother was too lazy to make one and bought one instead after about 4 hits the thing broke, but not broke open, just broke and fell to the ground.  Not like you would hope for a piñata.  I am going to go with it was the thought that counted. 

Lucy had a very specific dinner all planned out for her day.  Fettucine chicken, with sweet corn, sour cream and onion potato chips, pink fluff and Italian sodas.  

She also wanted to crave pumpkins.  Which worked out really well, since ya know we needed to get that done.  She wanted to do it ALL BY HERSELF which is also a score in the old, tired mom book.

Happy Birthday my sweet girl!