January 25, 2017

What? I am alive!!

Hard to believe but it is true.  I am alive.  Apparently you can tell when my life gets out of control because my blog ceases to exist.  The holidays have come and gone....HALLELUJAH!  You might not have found a bigger Grinch this past season than me.  For handful of reasons the whole thing rocked my world and made me GRUMPY.  I developed an eye twitch sometime in early November that I cannot yet seem to shake! I am considering an eye patch like a pirate if the whole things doesn't stop soon.  This might be my new look for the New Year.  Yet for all the crankies in my feelings, our family had a nice holiday season. This last week I had a cold that laid me out flat in bed for three days and has taken an entire week for me to get back into daily life but I dare say I am finally getting back into the groove of things.  

The kids are getting bigger and bigger and are so fun to be around.  Mitch and I constantly are talking about how much fun we have with them.  They have us laughing and on our toes at all times.

Here was today's conversation with Lucy while I was making dinner:

Lucy: Why do Mom stay at the hospital when they have babies?  What are they doing?
Me:  Well... they are resting so that they will feel better.
Lucy: Are they hurt?
Me:  Sort of. Having a baby kind of hurts so they are there to feel better and take medicine.
Lucy: Why are they hurt?
Me:  (Thinking, oh boy...here we go...)  Well babies either come out of your bottom or have to be cut out of your stomach.  That kind of hurts.
Lucy: Look of horror on her face...  "I think I'm not going to be a mom anymore.  I will just be a Checker (Cashier).
Me:  Oh Lucy, you want to be a Mom.  Babies are so cute.  It isn't so bad.
Lucy: Nope!  I wanted to be a Checker and a mom.  Now just a Checker.

So just like that I scarred my 5 year old for life.  She will not be having children!

Lucy has found a new love, it is called Wii.  The other day she was playing Just Dance at 7:00 am.  That is an energy level that I need to tap into!

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