January 15, 2013

Pure Sweetness

Lucy is at the cutest age.  She is  B*U*S*Y all day, moving, moving, moving.  She is on verge of walking full time and I am sad to see her crawling days end.  She has been my most creative crawler of all my kids.  For the most part she crawls on her hands and feet.  We call it "yoga baby" because I tell you she has some pretty awesome yoga moves that are hard to master.  Anytime she is in a dress or on a texture she doesn't like she will do her crawl and it is amazing how many people are just blown away at her skills. :)  Tonight as I was trying to clean up dinner Lucy and I played the game "keep Lucy off the stairs."  It took me forever to get dinner cleaned up because she would not stop.  I would move her to the family room get her some toys to play with, start picking up dinner and then she would take a sheepish look at me and make a mad dash for the stairs and start to climb.  As soon as she heard me coming she would try to climb as fast as she could but she was laughing so hard she could barley move.  She was cracking me up. 

Shoveling as much Christmas candy in her mouth as fast as she can!

 I attached a video I took of her the other day, doing some of her tricks. I was going to shorten the video because it is a little long but was having trouble with my editing so here is the long version: