August 14, 2012

Tickling the Ivory

On Saturday the Stuard family bought a piano. 

You heard right...a piano.

Mitch and I have been back and forth on the idea with it being such a big item in our already crowded home, but with an awesome, free piano teacher the idea is hard to refuse. Starting next month Cameron and Julia will be starting piano lessons from Grandma Stuard.  The are E*X*C*I*T*E*D and hopefully this excitement will last!  For now though there is a lot of "music" in the home.  Hopefully the kids will take after Mitch's side of the family because I am seriously lacking in any of the fine art talents. 

Natalie is a little less than pleased (that is putting it kindly) that she isn't old enough yet to start lessons. There has been lots of crying.  It is hard when you are 4 going on 20...

1 comment:

  1. cute piano...wish that we had a teacher esp for free.....your kids are going to love it!
