December 30, 2011

Jealous, I know...

Christmas has come and gone and I have to say that I am sort of relieved it is over. There was WAY too much to do and no time to do it.  I will post more about our Christmas and some of the things we have been up to soon but for now I will leave you with a sneak peak into our Christmas.

...yes, Pajama Jeans.

Don't be jealous and yes I actually wore them in public!! The slogan cracks me up "Pajamas you live in, Jeans you sleep in."  And you know the funny thing is they do feel like pajamas and do look like jeans. I might end up on that TV show "What not to wear" if I am not careful but thank you Mitch for the gift. :)


  1. we laugh every time the commercial is on....awesome gift!

  2. Those are awesome. I think I might need some, it would be a step up from wearing regular pajama bottoms in public...
